You are Gifted.

When you work with your Gifts, everything is easy!

Money flows to you.  People value and trust you. Your creativity blossoms.

Working with your Gifts, you will open to your own Genius. You will become a channel for great ideas, meaningful impact, and a joyful lifestyle.

If you feel unfulfilled, stuck, or overwhelmed, you are likely working against your Gifts.

Once you understand your Gifts, I can help you channel your Genius, and eventually step into being a Genius Incarnate – a leader who is respected, trusted, and fully embodied in integrity.

The first step is knowing what your Gifts are!

Find out what your Soul Gift is Now!

Work With Me

I specialize in helping gifted creative people bridge the worlds of business and spiritual fulfillment, so they can have the best of both worlds.

In a nutshell, I can help you:

Know your Gifts,
Structure your life and business around your Gifts
Tap into your source of unlimited innovation and abundance.

Recent Articles

Mellissa’s African Adventure – part 7

Mellissa’s African Adventure – part 7

We had been silent all day, and I'd been internally cooking in my intention to stop obsessing over how I look, my dance with menopausal body-confidence. Ugh. Now I'd be sent out to sit on a rock. Alone. Overlooking the river. Ugh. Whatever. I was in no mood. A lizard...

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Mellissa’s African Adventure – part 6

Mellissa’s African Adventure – part 6

The Wild Creatures “Here, follow me off this cliff...” That’s what Saida says to me silently (cause today is silent day - as we spent 2 days of our journey with NO words).  I see the top of the big round rock she’s just summited, and the shallow river twenty feet...

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Mellissa’s Africa Adventure – part 5

Mellissa’s Africa Adventure – part 5

Carving with the Feather My first full day on the trail, I awoke so excited for my day.  I climbed the number-number hill, and enjoyed the view and included the Land Honoring Song in my morning ritual.  What a gorgeous view.  The river...

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