Terms and Conditions – the Agreement Field in Working with Mellissa Seaman
Thank you for signing up for a coaching session with me, Mellissa Seaman.
By registering for a session with me, you are agreeing to the following…
1. Self-Responsibility: I’m not a doctor, accountant, or even a practicing lawyer anymore. So any advice you receive is not to be construed as professional advice. Legally, it’s “for entertainment only.” So make sure you check in with your professionals when it comes to your health, your financial decisions, and your legal choices. Also, you’re assuming all risk of this session. You agree not to turn around and blame or sue me for negligence. By signing up for this session, you’re acknowledging that you’re a responsible adult who is of sound mind and health, able to make your own decisions responsibly.
2. Privacy: I’m a spiritual counselor, an ordained minister, and an intuitive. Your session will be held in confidence, and we will do our best to hold your personal name and data private. However, I do learn from every session, and I teach from what I learn. So I may refer to your story (anonymously) in my teaching, or refer to you as a success story example, in a way that does not personally identify you. And if you WANT to submit your success story or testimonial, with your name attached, so you can get the publicity and share in the fun, you can do that by sending it in writing to me at mellissa@box5439.temp.domains.
3. Refund Policy: If you don’t feel value from your session in the first 1/4 of our scheduled time together, then just say so and we will end the session immediately and I will refund your money. This policy is my best attempt to honor the possibility that we might not jibe, that you might not like my approach, while still honoring my own time and effort in advising you. If you receive the full session, it is too late to get your money back, because it is too late for me to get my time back. In the over 2000 sessions I’ve given over the past almost 20 years, I’ve had 4 people ask for refunds. Two of those came back later and acknowledged that they should not have done so. Refund requests are rare, but I offer this policy so you can feel safe and secure.
4. All work done with me is devoted to the Highest Good above ALL other intentions. You are meeting me in this intention.
Thank you for meeting me in this agreement field so we can work together!