Thank you for taking the Soul Gift Quiz!

Your results will be landing in your inbox very soon!

Are you a Creator, a Messenger, a Transmitter, a Researcher or an Explorer?

We’re about to find out!  Your Quiz Results are speeding along to your inbox right now!

You’ll also be shown the Top 10 Things you need to know about your specific Soul Gift right away!

And you’ll receive a really cool video training sequence about your Soul Gift that will teach you how to make money in alignment with your Gift, how to understand the people in your life better by understanding their Soul Gift, and lots more.  It’s all free for you because you took this quiz!  Congratulations!

If you want others in your life to take the quiz and get all this cool free stuff too, simply direct them to



Here’s to your Gift,

Mellissa Seaman
Creator of the Soul Gift Quiz

(now go check your inbox for your results and goodies!) 🙂