November 10 – 25, 2015
Airing Out Those Old Betrayals
Aarrgh! My heart is pumping, and there’s burning around my upper chest.
Fists clenched, sweat breaks out on my brow, and I am ready to go to war!
Let’s get this straight: I am in no present danger.
And years ago, when this thing actually happened, there was no bloody battle.
Only an argument of perspectives.
It was one of my most cherished friends.
We knocked heads and wills.
And it got out of hand.
It affected our entire community, and I lost a circle of friends in the mess.
Armored up, shaking in my boots but hiding my own terror and pain, I “defended” myself by withdrawing to lick my wounds.
And so everyone lost.
Now the real kicker – I could be talking about any one of three past incidents and old dramas right now.
Embarrassing to admit that I hold resentments.
But I do.
And while I do long to clear the air, and take steps in that direction, I know that sometimes life’s dramas just won’t clear up so easily. And we end up having to live with the results.
But I do know the WORST thing I can do with these old stink-bombs in my closet:
Hide them. Feed them. Cradle them and nurture them in the dark corners so I can feel right.
Well, ‘tis the Season…
As the New Moon in Scorpio approaches, it’s a great time to get honest about the grimiest corners in the very back of our forgotten closets.
Airing out these old resentments, so-called-betrayals, and emotional injuries is one of the BEST things we can do for our quality of business and life.
Well, here’s the thing… When you hide it, you start to believe it.
I think: How can I feel worthy and stand as a leader when I’m hiding the stench of resentful things? Even if I cover it up so well that visitors to my house can’t smell it, I catch a whiff on occasion…
Unless I look it in the face and share it, it remains a hidden, dirty secret. It’s a reminder that I’m not good enough. It’s a reminder that I am not brave enough. It’s a shameful hidden stench of my own hypocrisy.
If I don’t face my dirty secrets and face myself, then my internal story becomes one of shame. I tell myself I’m not worthy of being a teacher, and I’m certainly not worthy of being paid highly for my wisdom when I have my own mess from the past stinking up the joint.
So instead, I bring it to the light. I attempt to clear out those old messes and reach out for clearing with my old ally-turned-nemesis. I pray for both of us. I release my feelings into the fire. I cry, grieve, regret, and sob while I hold that precious part of me, my little girl self, telling her it’s OK.
And then, I open. Yes. The purge and the revelation opens the path towards the light. And I can receive again.
Shame is a real buzzkill.
Plus, it closes us to abundance.
It’s the New Moon in Scorpio.
I invite you to join me in parading the old resentments out for a good look, a fresh airing out, a new attempt at reconciliation, and an acceptance of what’s true.
It’s good for business.
It’s good for life.
It’s imperative for leadership of integrity.
And it even helps you welcome money, love, and joy that are waiting to arrive.
Regardless of the skeletons in your closet, you’re worth more than you’re charging. If you want some help with that… check out the program below…
Charge What You’re Worth
in 7 Days with Mellissa Seaman
Nov 30 – Dec 7, 2015
Here’s a small group class with Mellissa that’s less than $1000, and will pay for itself within 2 months!
In just 7 Days, You will…
* Identify the best price point for your work
* Confidently Claim your Value Words that clarify why you’re worth more money to your clients.
* Release the blocks that keep you from charging what you’re worth.
* Claim your True Value so you can do more good, help more people, and live easier.
* Feel Generous while making more money doing what you love.