by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
What up, Witches? Happy Samhain, Halloween, and Day of the Dead! If you are an over emotional nutjob (I mean a Sacred Empath) then I’ve got a special class/healing/transmission – a LIVE online event on Thursday from 1 pm – 2 pm called How...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
That’s what’s rising. She has the power to balance this culture – turning the collective heart back towards what is sacred to us, what is poignant and meaningful, and what is truly valuable. Before we tell you how She does it, let’s define a...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
From the Soul’s perspective, all this drama, trauma, and scuffle in the political arena is really a sign of the deeper shift our culture is going through, don’t ya think? My Soul thinks so. Is your Soul nodding her head right now, quietly inside your...