Some of the people I work with are paid 7-figures to have great ideas every day.
Can you imagine the pressure of that? Geesh!
Imagine – you’re a creative pro – and
You gotta come up with a GREAT idea… NOW!
Millions of bucks are on the line!
(hah – no pressure, right?)
Even if you’re not a professional creative, if you’re a business owner, a mom, or an interesting conversationalist, you want to be able to open your Creative Conduit and come up with great ideas at will, right?
Well, today I’m sharing with you the 3 steps I use with my super-go-getter pro creative clients to keep their creative tap flowing full on, effortlessly, and with pleasure!
>>> A Training and Clearing with Mellissa for only $35 – 3 Steps to Open your Creative Genius <<<
Don’t feel like accepting my help via effortless training and clearing? OK – here are a couple things you can do on your own…
1. Journal about your vision,
2. Speak your mind to someone you’ve been withholding the truth from, and
3. Dance or sing playfully to open up your creative flow.
** Warning: These are not the same 3 steps I share in the training, though – hehe – we go deeper in the training – cuz we have time to give you a full clearing as well as activating your Creative Conduit at a deep level.
>>> Grab the Clearing and experiential training video with Mellissa at a great price <<<
Let me tell you a secret…
Another word for this Creative Conduit stuff is Channeling. But that word freaks some people out. Truth is, this art is available to all of us, and it’s where our best creative ideas come from. This offer will open up your ability to be a Channel! (shhh – just go get it. ;))
Creativity is our natural gift.
The Creative Conduit is what we channel ideas through.
Now go open it up and set it on fire!