Attention creative intuitive amazing entrepreneurs…
Stop making websites with copy (words) that drive your best clients away.
Here’s how.
1. CLARITY – Show the Value of your work clearly as a SYSTEM, using Magic Words.
- If you have confusing words on your site, people will BOUNCE.
- If you keep it all too general, people will SNOOZE.
- If you make it about you, people will FLEE.
Most Home Pages (even of really smart gifted people) don’t make any dang sense.
Or they’re too general, and all about the entrepreneur, and not about the CLEAR benefit of their services.
Here’s an example.
Madeleine Silva is a business genius. But her website was not getting any traction.
And cause she’s awesome, she’s letting me share with you about it’s transformation.
So you can learn from it too.
Before we fixed her home page copy, it said this:
Madeleine’s old copy:
“You’re an expert at your trade but you struggle with the business side of things. You’re not sure if you’re spending your time on the right things to make the most impact in your business. You feel overwhelmed and maxed out working long hours in your business. And even though you built a successful business you’re still not living the full potential of your entrepreneurial vision. You often times feel alone trying to figure it all out and you wish you had someone who could help you make running your business easier.
This is why you need Freedom Switch! “
Ok. Um.
The first part sounds kinda general, right?
Obviously she’s some kind of business helper coach, we guess.
But then it ends with a big question mark…
I mean,
What’s a Freedom Switch????????
I dare say you might bounce right off of this home page if you happened upon it.
You’re too busy for stuff that doesn’t grab you right away.
You’re not going to spend $$$ on stuff that doesn’t seem clear.
And neither are your clients.
So what did we do to fix it?
We focused on her unique SYSTEM and the results and value of her support.
Her previous word had been “Freedom Switch” but what does that mean?
Well, we drilled it down to 5 types of business freedom:
1. Vacation-Freedom – Ability to schedule and enjoy vacations without losing business or having to put out fires long-distance.
2. Team-Freedom – Confidence your team has your back, so you can have a life.
3. Profits-Freedom – Steady profit stream you can count on, in a system where you always know what’s happening with the money.
4. Service-Freedom – So you can spend all your time supporting your people in ways you love.
5. Legacy-Freedom – Knowing that when it’s time, you can sell your practice to the right people at a price that allows you a lucrative legacy.
Now her website is yummy.
“Before I had the copy writing session with Mellissa my website copy was more copy cat than a genuine message from me. After she helped me with my home page and about page it feels like there is now a direct line between my heart and my client’s. Mellissa’s genius is distilling your message so that your essence can shine through.” – Madeleine Silva
Ok, ready for the SECOND mistake everyone seems to make with website copy?
2. Connect DEEPLY – write from your VOICE of EXPERIENCE.
I see this all the time. Especially on the “About us” page. You think people care about your feelings, your details, your life that much? Not really.
When you talk about YOU on your website (your training, your certifications, your story) you might lose your clients right away because it’s supposed to be all about THEM.
This is a fine distinction.
Because you DO want to talk about your story and self.
But you need to do it as a Voice of Experience – an ALLY who understands your client from the inside out.
Let me show you the tricks to doing this using a dear client of mine…
Let’s use Edie Hoppin’s website as an example (yes she’s letting me share this)
Edie’s old about page did what most About pages do. It talked about her – a general description of her background, her training, her kudos. It was pretty good. But it didn’t make people fall in love with her.
“in my late 20s, I experienced weight gain, digestive problems, and fatigue. I was also having extreme allergies like Hay Fever. In 1999 i was advised to make a dramatic change, and try eating a gluten-free diet…. With the help of a health coach, “
Honestly, this is not bad. It talks about her experience. But it’s descriptive. It’s not coming from her VOICE of experience. The Voice of Experience sounds like a friend sharing a secret. It shows the client immediately that this expert is an insider who’s been there, and can commiserate and understand with compassion…
Here’s what we did with Edie’s About page…
When I was first diagnosed as Gluten Intolerant, even though I’m a pretty smart chick, I suddenly felt like an idiot. I’d been poisoning myself without even knowing it.
I hate feeling like an idiot.
I wanted to become a virtuoso of delicious gluten-free food as fast as possible. And that’s hard to do without help…
Do you hear the difference in the tone?
Who here has ever felt like an IDIOT when you finally understand the root of your health problem, but then have to make lifestyle changes you’re clueless about? Everyone.
So see how the key here is to speak to your client as if you are having a glass of wine together, and you’re revealing how you felt when you were in their shoes. THAT’s how you connect. That’s a first date. That’s how you plant the seeds of a deeper connection.
After a session with Mellissa, my site has now had the makeover of my dreams.
Her magic ability to see through the
clutter and highlight the gems has not only clarified the message for my clients, but given me a better
way to talk about my business.
Now, visiting my own site feels refreshing makes me happy. It is the professional face I want to present to the world. Mellissa helped me to create a site that has a clear message, calls to action, and just the right balance of serious message and the fun of my personality. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to benefit from Mellissa’s particular brand of copywriting genius. Truly Priceless. – Edie Hoppin
And now let’s talk about the third big mistake you might be making…
3. Build TRIBE: From Manic Mumbo Jumbo to MANIFESTO
Websites are boring.
Movements are fun.
If you are passionate about the WHY of your work, others will be too.
So if possible, clarify what is your Manifesto – what are the commitments and values that power up your work?
When I work with someone on website copy, I try to mine the content to create a passionate fun Manifesto.
Michelle Cordero is letting me share the before and after of her Manifesto… want to hear about it?
Ok, so before we fixed it, her Manifesto landed with a thud. It sounded like the 20 commandments instead of like something as sexy and empowering and juicy as Michelle herself is…
It looked like this:
But by the time we got done with it, it became a real MOVEMENT, with a PLEDGE that had us hooting and hollering and getting all worked up in a real good way. 😉
Witness the birth of the Act My Age Pledge:
For women who are turning 50 soon, and who refuse to stop being a rockstar.
She’s facing brutal options – and she may be tempted by plastic surgery, forced knee-ruining over-exercise, pushy cross-fit that herniates discs, or extreme brutal diets that don’t really nourish her soul.
But she’s got another option that no one’s talking about. Age Defiance!
*Act my Age Movement*
There is a global LIE afoot that is ruining the world.
It is the LIE that my Age defines me.
I’m expected to act my age in this fake “production” of this culture’s story.
I’m expected to give up – to get quiet, invisible, and sick.
I will not play this role.
I will not Act my Age.
I pledge to improvise my life, fully embodied, as the wise hottie that I AM.
I, as a women facing 50, pledge that I refuse to Act my Age
In a culture that says this is my final act, and it’s all about slowing down, giving up, and watching the world go by.
Fuck. That.
I choose to remain sexy, powerful, and relevant.
What do you think of that, Hm?
Isn’t that freakin SEXAY???
What might your manifesto be? I could help you download that…

So let’s talk about YOU now…
- I bet you’ve got a sexy Manifesto in there just waiting to be born.
- I bet with my help you could have a clear SYSTEM that makes sense of your sacred work.
- I bet I could help you write your story in a way that has clients falling in love with the REAL you.
Even if you’re awesome at helping others with marketing copy, I bet you need some freakin help on yours.
If so, you can get my help at a great deal right now, if you’re one of the first 10 people to say YES to awesome compelling revealing web copy that will do the work for you… As long as you already have a solid biz niche, and you know who you’re serving, we can write you some kick-asssss copy for your site that will finally make sense and make money.
>>> Grab one of the 10 spots to have me write your web copy for and with you <<<
** Danger: Rant Addendum – And don’t come crying to me in a year when that fancy website you just spent 5-10k on isn’t bringing you any real dang paying clients. Cause here I am offering you the magic support you need. You might need to get over your ego, your “oh I’ve already spent too much on this dang site” story, and your “I need to do everything myself, Master Messenger Mellissa” arrogance and finally get the support you need to go out there, attract your perfect clients, and make some bucks. 😉 We need you out in the world, being understood, respected, and paid, Gorgeous.
Here’s to you, Living Your Genius,
P.S. If you haven’t already noticed, once you have the MAGIC words you need for your website, you kinda have the MAGIC words you use for EVERYthing in your biz – your promises, your description, your answer to “what do you do?” It only takes me an hour to download TONS Of magic words for you, assuming you already know who you’re here for and what you’re helping them with. If you still don’t really know your niche (what you do best and for whom and the promises) then I’ve got another session where we can download all of that ALSO! Just ask me. OR if you know you just need better words for website and more, grab one of the 10 spots now.
What rousing enthusiasm. How does a person check on prices and other details?