Do you ever feel instantly irritated by someone’s Facebook post, even though it seems like it’s all good news being shared?
You wonder – is this jealousy? Why am I so judgmental?
But you might be picking up on something – something that is sneaky and hidden and that we all find ourselves slipping into at times.
Digital Narcissism.
One person shares their inner angst after the loss of a relationship, for example, and it opens you as the reader. They are letting you see their sacred process in such a way that you can learn, can feel intimate, can feel connected.
Someone else shares their inner trauma about lost relationship in a different way, and you feel irritated. What is the difference?
What is the intention in sharing?
Sharing in order to look impressive, to bolster a self-created fantasy vision of self, to get pity from others, to get others to hire or support you, or to show off how brave or tolerant or enlightened one is – these posts often end up drawing energy from the reader. And the reader ends up feeling diminished and irritated.
Sharing with the Intention to be seen in the commonality of experience, to build understanding, to share something that worked (or didn’t work) so that others might benefit – these posts often end up giving energy to the reader. They are gifts to receive. And the reader ends up feeling inspired, better for the experience, and grateful.
Do you feel the difference I’m pointing to here? It has to do with the energetics of presentation, speaking, and “stealing energy” of an audience – something I taught about last month to my Backstage Pass members. When we intend to take, our energy takes. When we intend to give, our energy gives. And yes, it is subtle- but oh so real!
So there is an invitation here for all of us – to get honest about our intentions in sharing via social media. And to acknowledge that we can *feel* the differences in intentions when people share.
What to do?
This is the Aquarius Full Moon, and the beginning of the long-awaited Age of Aquarius too! Take a moment to set your intentions for what you choose to release around sharing-from-fear, narcissistic complaining, and the use of technology. This powerful time period is already tuned to support us in healing around this issue.
And there is a deeper issue afoot in many of our lives – our growing addiction/attachment to the Digital reality, that is alienating us from direct relationship with nature and community in-person. This goes hand in hand with our (often accidental) tendency to share from a taking intention. When we are addicted, we go unconscious in what we are doing. When we are addicted to our digital media, we find ourselves sharing from a “taking” intention, and ticking people off!
Do you have a digital addiction?
I struggle with my own Digital Addiction, as I find myself pacifying my longing for deeper community with the images and messages I find on Facebook. It is such a sneaky subtle tendency that I am watching and attempting to shift. It is sticky, and embarrassing, and my own addiction at work. I have a lot of juice here, so I’m sharing the power that rises with my inner most circle, my Backstage Pass members.
I am seeking ways to share that come from authenticity, too. I created my Backstage Pass membership group as a way to focus my energies, my new teachings, my helpful tools, on people who are creative, open, and ready to be lifted up and empowered by my best stuff. Most importantly, these people are already in a space of informed consent to receive my best. We share an intention for bridging the worlds and creating success in life. Then I don’t have to “market” to those people all the time. I can just give them my best for a super generous price, and this keeps us in good relationship. I offer this currently at only $69/month. Maybe you’re a fit for this group? I’d love for you to join us. The price will keep going up as the group expands. I like to reward those who get in early with the best price. So if you want in, please join today before the cost goes up again.
This Thursday, I’ll be leading a channeled clearing for my Backstage Pass members on clearing our Digital Addiction attachments. I know it will be powerful for all of us, in part because it’s something that’s authentically present for me in life, and it springs from my genuine longing to support all of us breaking free of our addiction to digital relating where it has become something that holds us back from expressing our soul’s desire and true expression in the world! I share it in this inner circle only because it is a whopper powerful experience, and those who receive it need to be in informed consent. So if you’d like to participate, you can go check it out here.
Regardless, feel free to leave a comment below – let’s talk about this distinction between the irritating posts/shares and the ones that open you up. I feel I am constantly navigating this line, and wanting to express in ways that open my community to greater freedom, prosperity, and soulful purpose! What wisdom can you share in this area?