Are You Power Hungry? I am.
As a lawyer I was power hungry.
And as an intuitive I’ve been power hungry.
And I’m still power hungry.
I hope you are too.
The key question… What kind of power are you hungry for?
Wouldn’t it be great if the kind-hearted people, the creative geniuses, and the leaders of integrity had the POWER?
Which power?
Political power – the ability to change the rules.
Economic power – the ability to funnel the resources.
Personal power – the embodied energy that makes you a leader.
The Highest Power – alignment with Soul, with Evolution, with Big Power.
This one might necessitate going kinda Woo.
See, in the old schools of power, we’ve relegated the highest powers of all – the power of miracles, the power of direct co-creation with the Creator, the direct tapping of intentional power when it’s aligned with the highest good – we’ve relegated all of these to either religious or silly.
Well, times they are a-changin.
And more and more professional folks who hold POWER of this world, are becoming re-devoted to the wisdom of our own hearts – that knows that the Highest Power is a Mystery that we reach across the veil to touch. And this calls for faith, surrender, prayer… and a BIG love.
I’ve got substantial proof. See, I get to work with these folks.
So many professional people who have acquired big power, reputation, and acclaim in the worldly intellectual stuff are now awakening to a growing longing to connect spiritually.
Because they just KNOW that connecting spiritually will allow them to leverage the power they already have in this world to do not just “things” but the things that MATTER most.
- They feel a deeper Calling than ever.
- They are awakening intuitively (even if they don’t want to)
- They are becoming more empathic (even though that’s uncomfortable)
- they are looking for support that’s not too woo, even though it’s actually quite woo. They need to stay grounded, even in spiritual power. Good!
Somehow, cause I went to Stanford, cause I’m a former lawyer, I’m seen as a safe guide in this.
It’s a big honor.
I love it.
But I can feel there are some of these folks looking for me, and they can’t find me.
Will you help?
* Do you know some professional folk who are wrestling with a big intuitive awakening right now?
* Know someone who has always been kinda Type-A but now is being kept up at night by their inner voice that is becoming LOUD?
* Who do you know who is considering leaving the “mainstream” position of power they’ve always held in order to step into a new (scary) chapter where they dare to be a bit more woo?
Introduce us.
And I’ll give you both my personal attention, my support, my guidance. No charge.
Ya see – It’s my soul’s gift to aid and abet professionals who are waking up to their soul’s calling.
I provide a clear revealing of their soul purpose. I can read their life purpose. I can facilitate profound and permanent clearing of the blocks and fears. And I can design a business plan for and with them that is a perfect fit to make them happy and fulfill their soul’s calling all at once. Seriously.
I do it cause I care about the state of this world. And we need those leaders in their soul’s work – NOW. It’s time.
Email me at, and put your friend’s email in the to or cc field, and then tell me why you feel that person should get some free attention from me. Brag about them. Let them know you care about supporting them in what can sometimes be a scary shift. Let them know you want them to feel supported in following their soul’s calling. (everyone needs encouragement to take the next step.) And then let’s make it happen. 🙂