by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
So many people are encouraging me to create a program to serve the super-sensitive gifted Dragon Kids – the Soul Gifted Kids that we know need our help to grow up to be leaders and innovators as is their destiny. Because of all this support, I’m going for...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
I sent out an email a few days ago on the topic of our sensitive gifted kids, and invited responses… The community responded! And here’s some of the collective wisdom on the topic, all of which is going into creating the program for the Dragon Kids and their parents,...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
Not sure if you saw my blog post the other day, that told the story about the kid in the park (check that out here). But since then, I’ve had over 50 passionate responses about it from people all over the world. And I’m obsessed – in a really good way –...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
Oh. My. Goddess. I just watched a totally magical kid get completely shut down. And I need to tell you this story, because it has an important ending. So I was at the grassy park with my dog, and I saw this kid wearing a cape and holding a fake foam sword, fighting...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
I want to share some big personal news with you. But more importantly, I want to share the secret of how I create these kinds of miracles. It’s really just 3 steps. And I’ll share those with you while I reveal my personal story! Ok here goes… Less than a month ago, I...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
Some of the people I work with are paid 7-figures to have great ideas every day. Can you imagine the pressure of that? Geesh! Imagine – you’re a creative pro – and You gotta come up with a GREAT idea… NOW! Millions of bucks are on the line! (hah –...