Mellissa’s African Adventure: Part 1
Arrival Day
Just off the plane, I smelled the spice of the wind and knew I was some old place of my soul. Even at 5:00AM in the mid-century chrome-edged simplicity of the Durban, South Africa airport, with my head vaguely buzzing from 30 hours and more of intercontinental air travel, I could feel Her – my ancient brown round grandmother, welcoming me home.
The ocean was choppy and wild as we arrived at our overnight home in Umhlanga, north of Durban, the Teremok boutique hotel. The wind was blustering through the tropical trees, as I threw open all the windows of my Juliet suite and let the wildness blow through. I melted in the hot bath as the sun rose cantaloupe ripe over the Indian Ocean.

I watched by addicted hand reaching for my iPhone, my mind racing to find reasons to justify the impulsive habit of the device grab. No. This is the beginning of my device detox, my re-wilding, my coming home to my natural self.
I got quiet instead, and felt into my own intention for this radical journey. I know better than to walk into such an adventure without a transformation to make for myself. And although I’m embarrassed to admit it, I’m going to share with you my own inner longing, and intention, and prayer, based on what’s been torturing me for years.
See, with my 50th birthday, and the associated hormonal shifting, I’ve grown fluffier than I’ve been in a while. Chubbier. Rolls at the bra line occasionally make me cringe at pictures of myself, sending a strange surge of shock and even panic through me.
What is this panic? In so many ways, I love how I feel in my body. I love how my Beloved adores me. I love that my strong body is fully able, pain-free, and insatiable for pleasure. I find myself beautiful, sumptuous, and delicious. Yet when I see my reflection, this occasional reaction of subtle disgust at my own changing body has been inwardly torturous.
It has revealed an unspoken inward demand I’ve always had with myself – the requirement that I always be arguably the “prettiest” girl in the room. Even when I was young, and my body fit the cultural ideal… even when I was modeling in my bathing suit, and fending off advances constantly… this inner brutality was there, quietly critiquing every little imperfection in my appearance. Yes, I know I’m not alone in this. 😉

Well, here I am, standing on the precipice of the second half of my life, and I am determined not to let this petty prettiness demand stand in my way any longer. I have too much to do in my coming years as a grown-ass powerhouse of womanliness. I won’t fall prey to the never-ending distraction of fighting “aging.”
I want to be natural. I want to stay wild. I choose to redefine beauty. And that is the intention I took with me to Africa. And that is the magic door I opened as I began this journey.
Now it would be my turn to watch and see and receive the lessons as they came, in the reflection of my companions and the natural world. I felt ready. And so it was time to meet the women I’d be journeying with for the next week.
Some of the other women who would attend the walking safari retreat with me were already arrived at the guesthouse hotel. And they created a perfect diverse council. The scientist advisor. The elder. The healer. The surgeon. The lonely gifted. The vixen. The innocent huntress. I knew that each of these women would reflect to me something of myself, something I needed to see. Because that’s how these transformational group things work.

And as the monkeys infiltrated the dining room to snatch sugar packets off the tables where we sat lingering over breakfast, I felt I’d truly arrived in Africa….
In the next part, I’ll describe my first day in the wilds, and what a mating lion sounds like.
Did you miss a Part of my Africa story series? Navigate here to the various chapters of the Africa adventures: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Your 7 Life Initiations
Your 7 Initiations of Power – Which do you have? Which do you need?
Life has a rhythm. Nature beats in this rhythm. Our hearts and nervous systems beat to this rhythm. Our deeper brain states – the states of relaxation and visioning – beat to this rhythm.
Modern techno-life does not beat to this rhythm. It beats faster. It’s exciting and stimulating and can be super mentally creative and driven. It’s wonderfully new, and it’s advancing us fast in some ways. But it doesn’t beat to the natural primal drum of Power.
So how can we have the best of both worlds?
What if we tap the rhythm and order of Nature, of Depth, of Life, and we use the techno-tools of modern life, as well as a return to Nature herself, to access them, even to seemingly go back in time to reclaim what we personally have lost?
That has been the crux of my deeper work with leaders in this world – leaders who want to go deeper, to go back in time, in an accelerated more easeful way, and reclaim the healing and power they may have missed.
Our goal has been to re-create, heal, and harvest the power from Life’s 7 Initiations of Power, even in a modern world.
You see, at every developmental passage, there is a natural Initiation Series of 7 Life Passages that we all walk through, whether in a strengthening way, or in a wounding way. And while being “wounded” is not bad – it’s what makes us strong and wise in some ways – most of us would choose to eventually heal that wounding, to claim the wisdom gained, and to re-claim the original power we missed out on before.
*NOTE: Every wisdom tradition identifies different moments and “life passages.” This system is my own – drawn I’m sure from everything I’ve ever read and experienced. It is particularly influenced with my work with Maria Yraceburu, of the Tlish Diyan tradition, who encouraged me to adapt and share my own work in this. I do NOT claim it as traditional, or ancient, or perfect. It is just another system of archetypes – one that has worked for me. I have used these particular 7 Initiations with my clients with good effects in this modern world.
The 7 Initiations
#1. Birth – Honoring the Arrival, claiming Security.

Do you feel completely secure, no matter where you are, who you’re with?
Ideally, when a child is born, it arrives into a family and environment of total safety, like a cuddly hug full of warm milk, unconditional love, and celebration. And at this time, the baby KNOWS s/he is safe, welcome and secure. And to the subconscious, this means not just “welcome in the family” but also “welcome on the earth!”
Most of us, however did not receive this initiation in this way. Our parents were likely stressed. The people in the room where we were born were likely rushed, stressed, in go-go mode. The environment didn’t likely smell or feel cuddly. And once here, that stress likely continued in the environment and in our bodies for the first year, on and off, just from living in this modern world.
In many cases, this leaves us growing up never totally feeling we are “welcome.”
And missing out on this initial landing, for some, ends up seeding an ongoing underlying nervousness, or distancing, or just a longing to somehow “take my toys and go back home” as if this planet is not really “home.”
Here’s what clients have said after going back through this Initiation:
“I’ve never really felt like I belonged here – or anywhere I guess – until I let this part go. I didn’t realize it was something I could even release. I really do feel re-born.” – JT
“I feel completely different. I didn’t realize I’d been trying to do life without a proper foundation. Now it’s obvious because I can feel the stability I never had. Mellissa, you know I’d never done anything like this before, but this seriously changed my life.” – NW
#2 – 7 Years Old – Honoring the Thinker, claiming Discernment
Do you feel confident to speak your mind, make your own choices, and hold your own peacefully in argument with ANYone?
People speak of age 7 as the time-frame when kids learn to use their reason, to decide for themselves. Ideally, at this age, the child is given many opportunities to think for him/herself, and to choose his/her own way of doing things.
Most of us, however, were subject either to a lot of “rules” that may have felt constricting, or to a world where no one really noticed or affirmed our choices, our different way of thinking, or our boundaries that sprang from individual discernment of what we did or did not want.
In many cases, if we did not receive this Initiation fully, we grow up feeling we need to let others choose for us. We might imagine ourselves less intelligent, less capable, less smart about things. We may feel defensive, as if the world is always arguing with us, even when it’s not.
One client of mine had a pattern of always deferring to what her boyfriend wanted. This was a woman who was a bad-ass in her work, a leader in her community, but inside of her closest relationship, she had a pattern of always deferring to him. And it drove both of them a little nuts. As part of her reclaiming in this initiation, I guided her through a practice that revealed the pattern as it was implanted around her own 7-year-old history by the way her parents were interacting. Now, she had been “looking” at this for years in therapy. But by entering Initiation space with me, we called in the big power she had to reclaim from that passage, and she was able to easily re-claim the POWER that had been stuck there, so that not only did she UNDERSTAND the pattern, but she felt herself FREE from the old pattern once and for all. That was 6 months ago. She is still free of it. And her relationship transformed for the better because of that work.
#3 – 12-14 Years Old – Honoring Sexual Power, claiming Sovereignty

Do you move pleasure through your body with glee, unabashedly radiating your beauty and power as an inspired individual who creates what s/he wants with enthusiasm and right action?
The early teenaged years are famously tumultuous, right? Puberty is recognized in our modern culture as a “problematic” time. Why? Because sexual power has been framed in this culture as dangerous, disruptive, and scary. Sad.
Ideally, when we come into our sexual power, we should be educated openly, encouraged towards integrity, and forgiven often when “playing with fire” burns a bit. Our sexual energy is a potent force for creation – with the power to literally create new life. Yet modern cultures see this is as a life passage to “get through,” and “hope for the best” while demonizing the very elemental forces that make us potent co-creators with spirit.
I’m sad to say it is extremely rare to find someone in modern culture who has received the full power from this initiation. Most of us did not. And so we walk with shame, we play small, and we hide our full power as creatives, as unique beauties, as sexual beings. This holds us back in relationship, in money, and in right use of power. It fuels an epidemic of dishonorable judgmental prejudice, hate, and desecration of our most sacred gifts.
But good news – we can reclaim this power. And I have seen it hundreds of times in my 20 years of practice helping people – mostly women – reclaim their creative gifts, their magnetism, and the power of their pleasure in integrity.
I’ve seen women who were masquerading as frumpy-feeling engineers transform into glowing radiant beauties who bridge technology with feminine mystique. I’ve seen brilliant professional women, crippled by bouts of trembling anxiety relax into wide-eyed exuberant joyful mamas bursting with new ideas to help save oceans and forests. I’ve seen women who identified as “sexual abuse victims” walk back through this reclaiming and transform into relaxed (and multi-orgasmic) happy lovers to their devoted partners.
(Yes, this is a potent transformation, and it’s why part of my private practice as a teacher and wise-advisor has always included the development of what I call Carnal Genius.)
So you get the idea… of how these initiations affect ALL of us… whether we really RECEIVED them or not!
So I’m going to go through the last 4 initiations a little quicker, but never fear – I’ll be sharing more info with you. To make sure you’re on my email list to get the info, go take the quiz –
#4 – Age 21 – Honoring Identity, claiming Purpose
Do you have a confident Knowing of your unique gifts, talents, and your life purpose?
Around age 21, we begin to know who we ARE as adults, as participants in our community. This is the time when we are recognized by the community as a fully formed adult, one who can play a part in the whole. The community acknowledges our gifts, our uniqueness, and our usefulness. The community NOTICES us, and asks us to step up in the right area of leadership or purpose. We feel needed, utilized, and uniquely honored.
But if we are not honored appropriately, we enter a time of deep confusion. What am I here for? Where should I be going? What should I be doing? And to bide our time, we party hard, sleep around, and generally kill time until we “figure it all out.” This is not ideal.
When this Initiation is reclaimed, a person gets to finally understand their GIFTS, their unique talents and the way they need to structure their life in order to live a fulfilled and successful life.
Much of my work is helping adults reclaim the power of this Life Passage.
My Soul Gift Quiz ( is the first step along this particular journey, which over 10,000 people all around the world have now undertaken with me.
It allows you to work with your Gifts, and not against them.
And when I work with clients individually, reflecting and clarifying their unique intrinsic gifts, I often get to witness them LIGHT up with the realization, radiate joy with the clear words they’ve been waiting for, and often cry happy tears that slide from their eyes as they feel the overwhelming gratitude of being SEEN where they had never felt seen before.
#5 – Age 28 – Honoring Service, claiming Role

Are you sure you’re playing your perfect-fit role in terms of career, work, and joyful service in the world?
The next initiation happens around the time of the “Saturn return” that the astrologer people tell us about. This is the Life Passage that clarifies what we are here for. When the initiation is held with consciousness in community, the person is honored for the SERVICE they naturally do for their people. It’s one thing to be Gifted… and it’s another to learn how to give your Gift so that it SERVES others. This is the initiation of Joyful Service – of right-fit work – of claiming your Right Role in the world.
When you didn’t get this initiation, you don’t really know what you’re here for. You are not playing the role you were designed for. You don’t find satisfaction in your work.
You go along with the program, taking whatever job is handed you, or whatever role you were trained to take, and never quite feeling satisfied in your work life.
I help a lot of people with this initiation individually as well, in my business programs. This is the one where people say “I want to start my own business” and “I need to choose a marketable niche” and “I can’t go another day doing what I’m doing – and I want a workable strategy to do what my soul came here to do!”
But my very-successful high-level leaders also need this many times. I’ve worked with people who have created business worth sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars (and even multi-billions) – who are still unsure they are playing the Right Role!
It is an act of great bravery to be willing to take a look at what you are REALLY here to do.
Because yes, sometimes it does mean change.
But more likely, it is no surprise.
It’s just something you need to tweak – to adjust – to re-focus.
And then when you do settle into your Right Role – everything gets EASIER, as if the miracle gates open to support you in your soul-directed work. Because, frankly, they DO!
#6 – Age 49 – Honoring Experience, claiming Wisdom
Do others acknowledge you as their teacher, their cherished advisor, and/or as one of the most relaxed peaceful accepting and loving sages they’ve met?
The mid-life crisis is no joke. But mid-life is not a dysfunctional period, nor a health challenge to be managed, nor an end to being relevant or useful in the world. No. It is the spiritual maturation period of a human. It’s your graduation into maturity, wisdom, and righteous role as a guide, teacher, and truth-speaker.
When done right, this Life Passage is supported and celebrated. Yes, “youth” and its follies are released and grieved. But “age” and its gifts are welcomed and celebrated. It is a time of deeper communion with the Invisible Teams. It is a time of stepping up to leadership, be it quiet or broadcasted. It is a time of slowing into a deeper wellspring of power, connection, and impact.
To many indigenous wisdom traditions, the Council of Grandmothers is the highest authority of wisdom. In this culture, old ladies are routinely medicated, numbed, and ignored. This tells you where we’re at with this how we’ve been mis-handling this initiation!
If you’ve ever had the honor to meet a woman (or man) who has passed through this initiation with consciousness, I bet they made an impression on you. Potent. Wise. Dignified. A quiet embodied presence strength that you could feel tingle up your spine.
Again I’d like to point out that it’s NEVER too late to claim this initiation.
And working with Maria Yraceburu in her indigenous Tlish Diyan ritual tradition, I was also shown it is never too EARLY to be initiated into the later initiations! “Hey, Kiddo,” she’d say, “check out quantum physics! They figured out what my people have known for a long time. Time is a spiral. There’s no such thing as “time” as we know it.”
What does this mean to you? If you’re not yet 49, you can still walk through this initiation “early” so that when you do grow into that age, you are READY to claim the mantle of power that your body and soul have in store for you.
#7 – Ageless – Honoring Death, claiming Legacy

Do you live without fear getting in your way?
Of course Death is our final Life Passage. And our modern culture doesn’t do much with Death except to fear it, try in vain to avoid it, and ignore it the rest of the time.
I learned about Death with Maria, when she walked me through her culture’s Night of Fear ceremony. (Yes I am sharing of her with permission.) And I can tell you from my own experience that facing Death through ritual is a powerful choice. There are ritual ways to vision your own death passage, ways to experience the footprint you would leave when you go. There are ways to invoke the peace of hopefulness and continuing spirit presence, without having to dive into religious dogmatism. These are old mysteries, of course. I’m sure we humans have been thinking primarily about death for all time.
And yes, I have held this space for others to harvest the power of coming to peace with their own death many times. And no, you don’t have to wait till you’re facing some diagnosis or the end of your life to reap the benefits of this Life Passage. Yes, it is a mystery. But no, the path is not unknown nor unknowable. Yes, while it can be intimidating, it can also be an exquisite path of surrender into the ecstasy of letting go of control.
Hm… I need to stop there. But I’m happy I had the chance to give you a glimpse and overview of the 7 Initiations.
It’s a lot to talk about. More than I can tell you here.
But I will be sending out some emails in upcoming weeks (it’s June 2019 right now) teaching you more about the 7 Initiations, in the hopes that you might join me in walking through them if I’m the right choice for you in this… or in the hopes to give you enough info this way that you will initiate your own journey through these Life Passages to reclaim your power. Because you are indeed powerful, intrinsically naturally so.
Thanks for joining me here,
P.S. If you are sitting there thinking… WOW I want more of this. I have an opportunity for you. Due to popular interest and demand in learning more and healing from these initiations I’m leading a no-cost Masterclass and experiential healing on Saturday, June 29, at noon PST. And you can register here – it’s my gift to you.
P.P.S. I’m also going to host a small group at my home retreat space in the cedar forest, here in Nevada City, California, kinda close to Sacramento and Reno. I will guide you through the swiftest version I know to release blocks and claim energy back related to the the first 5 Initiations, utilizing simple and relaxing guided exercises that will leave you feeling lighter, clearer, and more enthused. I will do this over a weekend in August 2019. It will be fun, relaxed, but also intensive. If you want to get on the priority wait list for this, please email me at mellissa (at)
Creation is a Sex Act
Creating is a sexual act.
I mean, no matter what we’re creating, it begins with the injection of a great a-ha from the big daddy – from inspiration itself. “This idea just came into me!” The best ideas seem as if they’ve arrived from the ethers, landing passionately in our minds, suddenly ecstatic with the “Eureka! I’ve found it!” moment.

I call this genius. And it only arrives when we are receptive. Relaxed. Open. Like in the shower.
(Did you know that In a 2014 conducted by Kaufman, 72% of respondents around the world reported having some kind of new insight in the shower?)
And then the journey of incarnation continues… with the genius idea landing in the mind, becoming a vision, being eventually expressed through the throat to someone else. And if the idea is to become reality, it must touch the heart, triggering some passion or connection. Because unless we genuinely CARE about the idea, we are way too busy to incubate it, and birth it in the world.
If we care enough, though, we can’t help but want to turn this idea into real results in the real world. And that requires strategy and collaboration. It always requires a plan. It usually requires a team. And eventually, when the timing is right, and the way is prepared, we BIRTH the idea into the world.
I say BIRTH because it often involves a frustrating lengthy labor period, full of ups and downs and challenges and that moment of “I can’t!” and finally, the surrendered yet courageous moment of devotion when we do whatever it takes to make it happen. We release our treasured idea into the big wide world – as a business, a project, or a creation. And we can’t control it fully from there. We have to see how it is received. We get to test and try and wait and see. We have to set it free from our micromanagement if it is to mature and find its own way. (kinda like our kids, eh?)

Oh yes. When your business is borne of your genius, it requires a cohesive journey of creation. It means you care. It means the whole process is magical, inspired, and more dramatic than if you were just building widgets for a buck. This is the difference when you are Channeling Your Genius.
It’s a sex act. It is borne of your openness to divine inspiration. It is incubated in the deep passionate caring of your heart’s devotion. It is made real by your willingness to strategize and create in the real world. Messy. Heart-wrenching. Beautiful.
Channeling your Genius is Sexy. In all the best ways.
And if you want to learn how to CREATE in this world, it’s the Mother you want to be listening to… she knows how to receive, how to incubate, and how to BIRTH. Feminine Genius. I’ve got plenty to say about this, and I share most of it with my Channel Your Genius Academy members.
Want to know what type of things/businesses/gifts you are here to BIRTH in this lifetime? Take my Soul Gift Quiz now and find out in 2 minutes.
From Lawyer to Shaman – How My Channel Opened
I’ve always been intuitive. I’ve always been creative. I had imaginary friends as a kid. I made beautiful art, and was the school photographer, and always prayed in my Catholic Church and especially outside with the trees. And I heard God send me gentle messages. I could imagine angels watching over me. So yes, I’ve always been intuitive. For sure. But I was also the valedictorian of my high school, a Stanford graduate, and eventually a business litigation specialist and practicing lawyer. And by the time I was married and having kids, I really felt like I had it all: big house, cars, marriage, and living near the beach in San Diego. I was living the dream I’d always had.
I was not expecting the radical change that would turn my world upside down. I was not looking to get psychic. I wasn’t even sure I believed in that stuff. But when I gave birth to my daughter, Clarise, in the year 2000, everything changed. After birthing Clarise, that gentle feeling of guidance I’d sometimes experienced amplified into lucid visions of Spirit Guides, angels, and spirits speaking to me in clear messages. I was having vistations in waking time as well as in dreamtime. I was told and shown things that turned out to be true. Things I should not have known. I was guided to track and clear my own energy, which healed things in my body. I was guided to track and clear the energy of others, which healed them too.
Suddenly, my understanding of many things was blown outside the previous Catholic box I’d been utilizing previously. And although these visions made “sense” to me, and helped me in my real life, I knew darn well they were not “normal.” And I knew they didn’t fit in the rules of my religion.
I wanted to share the joy and usefulness of all this new stuff with all my friends! But no one knew what I was talking about. And my Catholic friends, husband, family, and community all struggled to understand me. As much as they loved me, they were worried for me.
I was frustrated.
“Oh great,” I thought, “now I’m going to be one of THOSE people?!!!”
I’m an avid student. So of course I tried to study “this stuff.” And so much of what I found sounded hokey, or cultish, or wacky, or arrogant.
“Dude. I went to Stanford. I need someone to explain this to me so it makes SENSE.”
But I didn’t easily find intuitive teachers who had my education, or my perspective, or my lawyer’s mind…
And I wanted an approach that was pragmatic, not woo woo.
I could sense these intuitive gifts could be USEFUL in the REAL world.
It seemed to me that too many intuitively gifted people were getting distracted and pulled out of the real world, focusing on their past lives more than their current one.
What a friggen waste.
Now I did find some great teachers and guides. I found Maria Yraceburu who is a Native American ceremonialist, and she basically adopted me, but also told me she didn’t want to train me too much since I was already channeling my guides, and that’s kinda the whole point of “training.” Instead, we worked together, guiding ritual, teaching classes. And I found Beatrex Quntanna who had been teaching metaphysical arts for close to 30 years. She taught me so much. And they both loved that I was all about the real world, wanting to keep it pragmatic and make sense of things from a new language. They listened to me as much as I listened to them.
But I also figured out my own ways to go about managing my Channel. I organized my Spirit Guides into sort of corporate departments to help me in different areas of my life. I allowed through me a voice of feminine genius that I called YoniSpeak, to teach me and others about the feminine ways of creating in the world. As I trained other women in the arts of channeling, I mapped out the pathways of initiation that we all seem to be guided through as we open to this natural art. And I ended up teaching all over the place, helping guide experiences that opened channels… in Europe as well as the US, but especially in Northern and Southern California. I did it my own way. I channeled it. And I let my teachers keep me in integrity as I developed my own way.

Now, I share the system and map I’ve developed that makes sense of Channeling, especially with other intellectuals who are accidentally awakening intuitively. And I do it like my teachers did. I share the map. And I share support. I guide. I channel. And I listen. Because my students are channels too. And when they grow beyond me, I celebrate. Because now, these days, in this chaotic rapidly changing world, I want one thing. I want our leaders to be Channels of Genius, who work together and co-create the innovative inspiring solutions to this world’s problems. Because it’s not about me. It’s about the Genius that is waiting to Channel through ALL of us when we finally get the heck out of the way.
Thank you to Clarise for being my can opener. She is now 18 years old. And she is a Channel of Genius. She takes great pride in the fact that her birth blew me open.
What is opening your channel these days?
What do you need to open it further?
Comment below and let us know.
When Dad Thought I was Nuts
I was taking a walk with my dad, and when he said it, I remember my belly swam with creepy tingles. It was a super strange sensation. And I don’t know how else to describe it. It was one of those moments where you think “Could this really be happening to me? Is this still real life? Or am I dreaming?”
What had he said?
He had said, “Honey, your mom and I are concerned about you with all this shamanic stuff. You’ve changed so much, so fast. We are concerned that you might be experiencing a chemical imbalance. It’s possible you may have “masked depression” which is when you are chemically depressed, but you appear like someone very happy. There’s a blood test to see if you might have it. We want you to take a blood test, because perhaps there’s a medication that can help you.”
Creepy tingles. Cold sweat. Even though it was a beautiful sunny day in a cheery suburb near the beach in San Diego.
“Dad, do you mean you and mom are worried I might be crazy?”
“Well, your mom is worried you might need an exorcism….”
Even though this was my beloved dad – the guy who had originally taught me about mysticism, about going into nature to find God, and about always questioning reality…. I had a strange sensation that I was about to be tied to a stake and burned as a witch.
I think I laughed a nervous “are you freaking kidding me” kind of laugh. But I was scared. And he was serious. He was worried about me. He was worried for my kids. He had no frame of reference for my swift and strong intuitive awakening.
I hadn’t even tried to hide it from my folks. To me the change had felt strange but natural inside myself. Like a homecoming. A relief. But to the outer world, I had changed, and I was, well, weird! I was suddenly talking to Spirit Guides. I was giving intuitive energy healing sessions that helped people feel better, even though I hadn’t trained in those arts. I was drumming, and journeying, and then knowing things that I “shouldn’t” be able to know.
In short, I had (accidentally) become an open channel.
I had not studied HOW to do all this stuff. It was flowing through me. And it was a big change.
Of course my folks would be concerned.
Of course they would go looking for answers among the world they knew.
Of course they wanted me to go back to “normal” for safety’s sake.
Because our culture doesn’t talk about this stuff enough.
Enough, I say.
Channeling is our birthright. When we are open, working within our gifts, we do great things. Even kids. And this is our natural state until our creative flow gets shut down, often in school or as a kid.
Channeling is our brilliance. When you are doing what you do best, with the full support of your loving community, you do your best work. You’re in the flow. That’s when you are most Genius.
Channeling is power. No one person is powerful. But that which flows through us in our best moments… that is Power. And when we devote ourselves to the highest power – to doing only good in the world – then we tap the Power on High that we are all made from. We tap the creator and creative power itself. We tap the Source of all Genius.
That’s why I call us Channels of Genius.
That’s why I’m devoted to reclaiming this word Channel… Channeling…
It’s not just a religious thing, or a woo thing, or an esoteric thing.
It’s natural.
“Make me a Channel of Your Peace.”
It’s what we ARE. It’s what we need to become, to achieve our full potential.
And that’s why I’m devoted to reclaiming this word Genius…
It’s not a type of person.
It’s the Unique Brilliance that flows through ALL of us.
When we open.
When we align.
When we get the heck out of the way.
We Channel Genius.
My goal?
I empower leaders to activate as Channels of Genius.
If you are a creative leader, who is opening intuitively, who is noticing that your genius flows when you are open to BOTH sides of your mind – your intuitive side AND your intellectual side…
Then I’m here to help YOU.
I’m going to tell you more stories from this part of my life over the next week or so.
But I want you to know…
It has been almost 20 years since Dad and I took that walk together.
And now…
I’m working professionally as an Intuitive Strategist, bridging the worlds of business and intuition.
I’m paid thousands of dollars per hour by some of the world’s leading innovators in Silicon Valley and beyond to…
wait for it…
to Channel.
Because I’ve spent the last 20 years understanding what Channeling truly is.
I’ve helped thousands of people around the world claim their own gifts and abilities to Channel their Genius.
And when I open my Channel of Genius, I connect the wisdom of heaven and earth to give advice that makes people big money, that identifies future trends, and that Sees people so deeply that they come alive in their own Gifts.
And it’s not ME.
It’s the Genius that I’ve learned to allow to flow THROUGH me.
Because I’m a Channel.
And so are you.
Stay tuned.
More is coming.
And please, please, keep Channeling Your Genius.
P.S. My dad is now my biggest supporter. He always was, actually. It took a few years for both of us to develop a common language to understand Channeling, and to understand my intuitive awakening. He’s a proof-is-in-the-pudding person – like me. And when he saw how my life shifted over time, how I became more empowered, more confident, and more kind… how my kids and my home all improved over time with me holding my power… how many people I was able to help and heal and empower through my work… he knew the pudding was good, and he embraced me in all of it. Explaining all of this inner process to my Dad was one of the ways I developed my new Channel Your Genius system and program. It’s time for this culture to develop new language, new systems, and new understanding of these things. And that’s why I do what I do. So I want to thank my dad, the retired Judge, the Christian mystic, the brilliant channel of wisdom, for testing me and supporting me through ALL of this life, in all the ways he knew how.

Marketing the Divine Feminine
Deep Feminine Power. Connection. Meaning. Sensuality. Healing. Holding. Sacred circle.
These are not likely the first things you think about when you think about “marketing.”
Yet that’s what we need more of in the world, right now. Don’t we?
And if you’re a feminine leader… you might feel like “words fail you” in describing your work. You’re not alone.
You can listen to Laura Swan, Women’s Transformational Coach and leader of hundreds in women’s circles, talk about this here:
Now when you check out Laura’s Quiz here, you’ll see how engaging it is!
When you do deep feminine work, holding space for women’s circles, for profound transformation, for divine feminine power… adding some cheezy marketing language, or NLP-driven manipulation, or pushy pressuring BS, just feels like a big inappropriate desecration.
That’s why I love helping Divine Feminine leaders create a Quiz that tickles the fancy of the women longing for the work, without pushing pressuring or tweaking them. A Quiz Funnel meets women just where they’re at, connecting with them on what matters, validating them in their needs and desires, and inviting them gently into taking the next step for themselves.
Connecting. Flirting. Playing. Laying the Truth Bare. Holding. Inviting.
This is what Marketing does if it is grounded in Divine Feminine principles.
Take Laura’s Feminine Power Archetype Quiz here now.
NOTE: *** You don’t HAVE to spend several thousand $$ to have ME make your quiz for you! *** Laura didn’t! She got ONE session with some training. And she created this thing on her own!
If you are seeing this article before 11/21/18, you can take my $20 webinar and learn how to do this sort of thing yourself!!! Register now.