by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
I want you to get more money from other people, OK? Seriously. So I’m going to give you the 3 Secrets of Getting Paid on a Scorpio Full Moon… and I’m going to invite you to receive a clearing with me via video for like 85% off if you do it today Secret #1 of 3: It’s...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
I want to tell you a personal story. Cause I think you’ll relate. When I accidentally got psychic in 2000, after having been a happy Catholic and lawyer, the thing that was the hardest was to feel like I couldn’t be “professional” anymore. See, I’d always been a top...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
Do you love being in your creative genius flow where ideas, inspiration, and money flow effortlessly? I say that flow happens when we are acting as Creative Conduits. Improv is the essential art of the Creative Conduit. Can you relate? You know those moments when...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
You are invited to a special event designed for Spiritual Entrepreneurs (especially women, but men are welcome too) in Nevada City, CA on Wednesday, May 10 at 6 PM – 8 PM. You’ll earn how to attract the right clients to your inspired biz, in alignment with your...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
I’m single again. Honestly, it’s the first time I’ve been single since 1993! Yes, I’ve been a serial entrepreneur and also a serial relationship person. (blush) And now being without a man in my life has given me the opportunity to consciously cultivate the...
by Mellissa Seaman | Uncategorized
What is the difference between Protesting and PRO-testing? We are in the aftermath of the largest public PRO-test in this country, a Women’s March that took place on every continent on the planet, and involved over 4 million women, men, and children. Why do I call it...